Flower delivery route planing

Flowers Delivered Fresh, Routes Planned Smart

Upper knows the importance of optimized routes for delivering the freshest flowers to make your customers feel happy and smile on their faces.

Unlock a new level of efficiency in gas delivery with Upper
  • Manage multiple deliveries effortlessly in just a few clicks.
  • Schedule routes weeks in advance and maximize day-to-day operations.
  • Provide customers with real-time updates for a better delivery experience.
  • Capture proof of delivery in terms of photos and signatures to maintain transparency.
Barb robinson

Switching to Upper was the best decision we made for our flower delivery business. The accuracy in route planning and the flexibility to adjust to unexpected delays have been remarkable. Our flowers now reach customers fresher than ever, and the positive feedback has been overwhelming.

Big gas
Jordan Rivera, Delivery Coordinator of Blossom Express Florals
Barb robinson

Seamless Flower Delivery Operations with Upper

Efficient Route Optimization

One click route optimization

Create the most effective delivery routes, drastically cutting down on planning time. This allows for an increased number of deliveries each day, boosting your business’s productivity.

See Flower Route Optimization
One click route optimization
Real time visibility

Import Spreadsheet

Real time visibility

Easily upload delivery details from various formats like Excel, CSV, or directly from popular eCommerce and CRM platforms into Upper and streamline your process.

See Flower Spreadsheet Import

Flexible Delivery Scheduling

Electronic proof of delivery

With route scheduling, plan your deliveries well in advance. This system is designed to handle both your regular delivery load and the increased demands during peak seasons.

See Flower Delivery Scheduling
Electronic proof of delivery
Automated customer notifications

Customer Notifications

Automated customer notifications

Improve customer experience with automatic notifications about the progress of their delivery. This proactive communication helps in elevating customer satisfaction and reduces the need for support inquiries.

See Flower Delivery Notification

Proof of Delivery

Electronic proof of delivery

Strengthen trust and transparency with our digital proof of delivery system. It includes options for customer signatures and photographic evidence, ensuring each delivery is verifiable.

See Flower Delivery Verifications
Electronic proof of delivery
Automated customer notifications

Simplified Dispatch Process

Automated customer notifications

Utilize our one-click dispatch feature to assign optimized routes to your flower delivery team. This efficiency enables them to start their day with a clear plan, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

See Flower Driver Management

Advanced Features for Flower Deliveries

Custom service details

Enhanced Driver Monitoring

Keep a close eye on driver team efficiency and punctuality. This feature allows you to track driver performance, ensuring on-time deliveries and highlighting opportunities for improvement.


Advanced Route Planning and Archiving

Schedule multiple delivery routes in advance with ease, saving hours of planning time. Additionally, store these routes for future reference, making recurring deliveries more efficient.


Effortless System Integration

Integrate Upper seamlessly with your current operational systems. This feature ensures a unified and streamlined process for managing all aspects of your delivery service.

Personalized notifications

Optimized Multi-Destination Routing

Plan routes that include several stops with maximum efficiency. This capability not only reduces transit times but also increases the total number of successful deliveries each day.

Personalized notifications

Dynamic Route Adjustment

Our system is equipped to handle unforeseen delays by automatically suggesting alternate routes, keeping your delivery schedule on track despite any roadblocks.

Personalized notifications

Live Support

Benefit from our round-the-clock support team, always ready to help with any questions or challenges you face, ensuring uninterrupted service.

Ready to Watch Your Flower Deliveries
Bloom with Upper?
