Your Favourite App for Scheduling Deliveries Just Got a Major Upgrade!

If you’re in delivery services, you’ll know just how important scheduling deliveries and proper route optimization can be! The team at Upper Route Planner has been hard at work for the past 3 months to bring you a brand-new and improved version of our route planning and scheduling solution!

We’re really excited to share all the new upgrades coming with this new delivery route planner app release! This major launch includes an upgrade to the iPhone app, a brand new integrated web platform, a new Android app, and a new website! Read on to learn more!

Serving Our Users – Drivers and Couriers

Easy Route Planning - Upper Route Planner

First and foremost, we are serving our customers, the drivers that are making deliveries every day. We are a business focused on customer service and creating the best customer experience for each of the use cases for each delivery driver. Below is a bit of our process

We Listened To You – Delivery Companies

We use a “human-centered” design approach for our delivery scheduling software. We are always talking with our users to ensure that they can serve their customers with all the options that they need. This involves us reading all your emails, all your support tickets, and in many cases getting on phone calls to hear what we can do to improve your delivery experience.

Our users are delivery drivers, whether they do the driving themselves or do delivery scheduling. This includes food delivery persons, couriers, flower delivery businesses, and retail delivery companies.

CTA image

Upper Route Planner

A Simple-to-use route planner that every one is talking about.

  • Save up to 95% of planning time
  • Save up to 40% of time on the road
  • Plan 500 stops at once

What We’ve Heard – Multi-Platform and New Features

We’ve heard lots of amazing feedback from our customers. In particular, we’ve heard that you want to able to increase the speed of delivery route planning (check!), create your delivery schedule using an online web portal (check!), you want to view each scheduled delivery (check!) you wanted to be able to use an Android app (Check!). You always wanted more flexible options regarding delivery settings (also check!).

We’ve done all of this and more! Without further ado, allow us to present to you the solutions to your challenges and tasks.

One Great Software – Many Benefits

Multi-platform Supported - Upper Route Planner

We’ve pulled all the stops to improve your user experience and your scheduling options. Below are just some of those features.

Integrated Multi-Platform Experience

First of all, our products are now integrated across platforms. We started with the iPhone mobile app. Now delivery teams and drivers can access the software from any of the three major platforms: Web, Android, iOS. What’s more is that you can create, delete, manage any of the data from any of the platforms. Who knew managing your delivery schedules could be this simple?

Faster Delivery Route Planning

We’ve added many features to increase the speed at which you add stops. We’ve reduced the number of taps to add stops on the iPhone. We’ve added a “Recent Stop” option to add previous results quickly. We’ve improved our databases so that the suggestions will load faster, and we’ve created bulk import options with spreadsheet import.

Delightful User Experience

Nobody likes a confusing or bad app. We made sure to keep this in mind when developing the new version of this delivery scheduling app. We’ve added some video tutorials, onboarding options, and a documentation page to ensure that the delivery schedules can be made in quick order. We are also available 24/7 to answer any questions that anyone may have. Again, we are looking to delight, and we feel this simplified user interface will reflect that.

Overview of the Major October 2020 Changes

We’ve made so many changes that it’s almost impossible to list them all. We’ll at least give you a shortlist. ?

  1. New Logo and Company Name: We have a new logo and company name. Welcome, Upper Route Planner!
  2. New Color Scheme: We’ve ditched the old blocky orange color scheme and opted for a clean, crisp blue and white look!
  3. New Web App: All the best software companies have integrated web and mobile functionalities. We like ourselves in the same category as those best companies. ?
  4. New Android Application: We’ve heard from many users that many delivery drivers were using Android phones. We decided to fix that and give our users all the options they need.
  5. Go to Any Stop: Our old user flow only allowed users to deliver in sequence. The new app release allows users to select any stop they want to go. This makes it much easier for users to do the work as they want to do it.
  6. Improved and Simplified Import: Importing addresses is a crucial step for our users. Some users have dozens, if not hundreds of addresses. This makes all delivery schedule quite difficult. We’ve made it a breeze for you to get things in order and speed up your scheduling!
  7. Fun UX changes: We’ve added a cat to the loading page. Why? Because it’s fun. Good app design means you can also have a little fun sometimes. ?
  8. Fewer taps: We’ve simplified the initial scheduling by reducing the number of taps needed to load all stops in. This means you can get deliveries quicker.
  9. Simplified Verification: We’ve made it easier for you to verify for you to get quickly to your scheduled delivery.
  10. Smart input: Smart input is one of those “behind the scenes” features that you only realize when you don’t have it. This feature allows us to automatically find the most relevant correct address based on geolocation and recency.
  11. Improved Route Creation: Scheduling deliveries often means creating routes. Our app allows for creating routes to organize all your deliveries easily. For some, that may mean recurring routes or recurring favorite stops. We’ve got you covered in all cases. This helps in creating shorter delivery windows with less wait time.
  12. Sync across all apps: The data, deliveries, and scheduling will sync across all apps in real-time to make your delivery process much easier.

And much more!

Plan quickly, deliver faster, delight customers and get home early.

Everyone deserves to have simple and easy route planning.

Delivery Route Planning and Scheduling Made Easy

We’ve done everything in our power to deliver to you a delivery route planning and scheduling tool that will increase the efficiency of your delivery service and supply chain process. We hope that these added scheduling and delivery options will help to get you going where you want to faster.

In order to serve you better, we are always open to your feedback and requests. Please do contact support if you have any other comments or requests! Our management is always open to serve you better. Thank you so much. We hope you enjoy the new App experience.

Author Bio
Rakesh Patel
Rakesh Patel

Rakesh Patel, author of two defining books on reverse geotagging, is a trusted authority in routing and logistics. His innovative solutions at Upper Route Planner have simplified logistics for businesses across the board. A thought leader in the field, Rakesh's insights are shaping the future of modern-day logistics, making him your go-to expert for all things route optimization. Read more.