How to Increase Sales on Shopify Store in 2023 – 21 Proven Strategies

keyKey Takeaways:
  • To succeed in the competitive world of e-commerce, it’s crucial to implement a combination of strategies to increase sales on your Shopify store.
  • Prioritize mobile-first design, high-quality product images, clear product descriptions, and streamlined navigation for an exceptional user experience.
  • Leverage marketing and engagement strategies, such as email marketing, SEO, social media, and paid advertising, to expand your reach and attract the right audience.
  • Focus on building customer trust and loyalty through social proof, effective upselling and cross-selling, customer reviews, loyalty programs, and excellent customer support.

Are you the proud owner of a Shopify store, navigating your way through the bustling landscape of e-commerce? If so, you’re undoubtedly aware of the immense potential, fierce competition, and tremendous challenges that the online retail world holds. 

In all this, your primary goal as a business owner is crystal clear: to increase sales. But here’s the hitch: the digital marketplace is a vast and crowded sea, and your voice needs to rise above the rest.

To put this into perspective, consider this jaw-dropping statistic: since 2020, the number of Shopify stores has increased by more than 200%. So, how do you stand out in such a cutthroat environment?

We’re about to give you the answers you’ve been looking for. In this blog, we’ll explore how to increase sales on Shopify store and ensure that your store not only survives but also thrives.

Store Optimization and User Experience

In the e-commerce landscape, mobile-first design and high-quality images are your allies in capturing customer attention. It ensures a seamless shopping journey on your Shopify store.

store optimization and user experience

1. Mobile-first design and responsiveness

We live in an age where smartphones have become an extension of our lives. So, it is essential to ensure that your Shopify store is designed with a “mobile-first” approach

Think of a scenario where a potential customer visits your website via their smartphone. With a mobile-first design, the images are crisp, the buttons are user-friendly, and the overall layout is smooth and intuitive. Navigating your online store feels like a breeze.

Now, imagine what happens if we flip the script. What if your site isn’t mobile-friendly, and this same potential customer is struggling to view your offerings, wrestling with tiny buttons, and feeling frustrated? 

This scenario highlights the importance of mobile-first design. According to Statista’s Market Insights, mobile e-commerce sales will reach $2.2 trillion in 2023, accounting for 60% of all e-commerce sales worldwide. To harness this massive market, your store must be mobile-responsive.

2. High-quality product images

Think about the last time you made an online purchase. Did you rely heavily on the images to make your decision? Chances are, you did.

High-quality product images work as a virtual showcase for your product. They help new customers see what they’re buying, check all the details properly, and visualize whether the product fits their requirements or not. Clear, well-lit, and detailed images make a significant difference. Thus, investing in high-quality product images is an investment in sales.

3. Clear and compelling product descriptions

Let’s say you want to shop for a new pair of sneakers. You came across two listings. One listing has a vague description of the sneakers, while the other one paints a vivid picture of comfort, style, and durability.

Which one are you more likely to choose? The answer is evident.

A compelling description does the work of a salesperson. It persuades prospective customers to make a purchase. It highlights the unique selling points, benefits, and solutions the product offers. So, a clear and enticing product description can make all the difference in sealing the deal.

4. Streamlined navigation

What would you like: walking in a well-organized store where you can find all your needed products easily or in a disorganized one with items scattered all over? Obviously, the organized one. 

Similarly, in the digital realm, your website’s navigation is the key to an enjoyable shopping experience. A well-structured menu and search functionality can guide customers to their desired products with ease.

User-friendly website navigation ensures that customers can easily explore your online store, find products of interest, and smoothly progress through the purchase journey.

5. Personalization for shoppers

Think about the Netflix homepage. It’s different for every user, offering personalized recommendations based on their viewing history. It’s quite helpful for the user, right?  

Now, think that your online store too can recognize a customer’s past purchases, preferences, and behavior to tailor product recommendations accordingly. This level of personalization can significantly increase your chances of making a sale and increase customer retention too.

In fact, 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase when offered a personalized experience. So, focus on personalization to create a shopping experience that feels unique for each customer. 

Marketing and Engagement Strategies

Marketing is your megaphone in the digital marketplace. Harnessing email campaigns, SEO, and the power of social media helps you reach your target audience. It also establishes lasting connections and drives sales on your Shopify store.

6. Advanced email marketing campaigns

Email marketing is like a direct line of communication with your customers. It allows you to connect with your audience in a personalized and cost-effective way.

Email marketing campaigns are not just about sending typical newsletters. Now, advanced email marketing campaigns target specific customer groups with tailored content and offers. For instance, you can send personalized product recommendations, abandoned cart reminders, or exclusive discounts.

Studies show that email marketing has one of the highest returns on investment in the digital marketing realm. So, utilizing advanced email marketing can significantly help in increasing sales on Shopify. It’ll allow you to keep your existing customers informed, offer promotions, and build lasting relationships.

7. Harnessing the power of search engine optimization and content marketing

Let’s say you want to purchase a particular product in a new city. What would you do? 

You’ll simply pull out your phone and search for it. Then, the store that appears at the top of the search results is the one you’re likely to visit. This is where SEO (Search Engine Optimization) comes into play.

SEO is the process of optimizing your Shopify store’s website to rank higher in the results of search engines. By strategically using relevant keywords, creating high-quality content, and optimizing your website’s structure, you can improve your search engine rankings.

Content marketing, on the other hand, involves creating valuable, informative, and engaging content that addresses the needs and interests of your target audience. Such content not only engages your audience but also improves your search engine visibility. When your store appears prominently in search results, you’ll drive traffic organically and more potential customers will visit your store.

8. Leveraging social media to increase sales

You need to understand that your potential customers are not only searching for products on your Shopify store. They are also scrolling through their social media feeds. 

Social media platforms have become powerful sales channels, and leveraging them effectively can significantly impact and increase sales on Shopify. In fact,  54% of social media users use the platform to research products, and 71% of users are more inclined to purchase products or services after seeing recommendations on social media.

You can attract customers on social media by

  • Posting engaging content
  • Showcasing your products
  • Running targeted ad campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest can reach a broader audience.

Social media offers a unique opportunity to connect with your customers on a personal level. By maintaining an active presence and responding to customer inquiries and comments, you can build trust among customers. It’s not just about selling; it’s about building relationships that lead to long-term customer loyalty.

9. Paid advertising: Targeting the right audience

Imagine you have the perfect advertisement for your products, but it’s displayed to an audience who has no interest in what you’re offering. Paid advertising, when used effectively, ensures that your message reaches the right audience.

Paid ads platforms like Google Ads and social media ads allow you to target specific demographics, interests, and online behaviors. 

Let’s dive deeper into how paid advertising can be your ticket to gaining that all-important store traffic and getting more sales.

  • Google Ads

You can strive to secure the top organic spots on Google’s search results, but here’s the reality: Google Ads consistently claim those top positions. These paid search ads are your ticket to prime visibility.

With Google Ads, you bid for specific search keywords you want your ecommerce store to appear for. The beauty of this approach is that you only pay when someone clicks on your ad, making it a cost-effective method. 

  • Google Shopping Ads

If you want to display specific products to potential customers, Google Shopping ads are the way to go. These ads feature product images, prices, and essential details. This makes them highly effective in capturing the attention of online shoppers.

  • Social ads

Some brands find great success with paid social ads on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. These platforms have an extensive treasure trove of personal information, including likes, preferences, locations, brand associations, and more.

Instead of focusing on keywords, social media marketing allows you to tailor your ads to reach individuals based on their interests, demographics, and online behaviors. 

As a result, your ads are shown to people who are highly likely to purchase your products.

10. Utilizing SMS marketing for customer engagement

SMS marketing allows direct communication with customers via their smartphones. Let’s consider a scenario in which a shopper abandons their cart. Then, they receive a text message with a time-limited discount to encourage them to complete the purchase. That’s the power of SMS marketing.

It’s just as vital as email marketing, with SMS boasting open rates as high as 98%, often within 90 seconds of receipt. You can also use web push notifications for a similar effect, reaching customers who’ve opted in without using personal information.

Here’s why SMS and push notification marketing stand out:

  • High open and click-through rates
  • Cost-effective
  • Ideal for targeting cart abandoners and re-engaging customers
  • Perfect for sending reminders to dormant customers
  • Integration with shipping for sending tracking details

SMS and push notifications have become the modern ways to connect and drive conversions.

Customer Trust and Loyalty

Fostering trust and loyalty is akin to building the foundation of your e-commerce business. Utilize social proof, effective upselling, and customer loyalty programs to nurture customer relationships. These relationships will help you convert customers into brand advocates who contribute to increased sales.

11. Building trust with social proof and user-generated content

Building trust is something that will make your virtual storefront go a long way. But how do you gain the trust of your customers? Let us take a simple example to understand this.

Imagine a potential customer stumbles upon your store. What they see is a collection of positive reviews, ratings, and real-life photos from happy customers. This is the magic of social proof and user-generated content.

So, to make sales go up, all you have to do is:

  • Display genuine feedback from satisfied buyers 
  • Showcase user-generated photos of your products in action
  • Highlight endorsements from influencers or industry experts 

All these things work as trust badges and reassure potential customers that they are making the right choice by choosing your products.

12. Effective upselling and cross-selling techniques

Does it ever happen to you when you go to a fast-food restaurant and order a burger? The cashier asks, “Would you like to make it a meal with fries and a drink for just a little extra?” This is upselling in action.

Upselling involves encouraging customers to buy a higher-end or more feature-rich product than the one they originally intended to purchase. It’s a win-win because customers get more value, and you increase your revenue.

On the other hand, cross-selling is the art of suggesting the perfect side dish to complement the main course. Cross-selling is about suggesting related or complementary products that enhance their current purchase. For example, if someone is buying a smartphone, you might recommend phone accessories like cases or screen protectors.

Increasing sales isn’t just about acquiring new customers; it’s also about making the most of your existing customers. By recommending complementary items or highlighting the benefits of a higher-tier product, you can boost your average order value while offering value to your customers.

13. Customer reviews: Turning buyers into advocates

Think about the last time you discovered a new restaurant. Chances are, you asked friends for recommendations or checked online reviews. Customer reviews are the digital version of word-of-mouth recommendations, and they can work wonders for your ecommerce business.

Not only do reviews build trust, but they also create a sense of community around your brand. They can help sway hesitant shoppers to become loyal customers.

So, encourage satisfied customers to share their experiences and recommend your products to their networks. This word-of-mouth marketing strategy can lead to substantial sales growth.

14. Creating customer loyalty programs

When an existing customer has made several purchases from your store and has been a loyal patron for a while, rewarding their loyalty is a good practice. It is also essential for nurturing long-term relationships. This is where a customer loyalty program comes into play.

A well-crafted loyalty program includes

  • Offering incentives,
  • Providing discounts, or 
  • Giving exclusive access to customers who return to your store repeatedly. 

By acknowledging and rewarding loyal customers, you’re more likely to convert them into long-term, repeat customers. Doing so not only brings in recurring revenue but also improves customer retention rate and makes customers your brand advocates.

Customer Service and Communication

Outstanding customer service is essential for keeping your customers satisfied. Implement chatbots and live chat to provide immediate assistance, answer queries, and enhance the shopping experience on your Shopify store.

15. Implementing chatbots and live chat for excellent customer support

Customer support can make or break a sale. What if a shopper is considering a purchase and has a question, but they don’t want to wait for an email response? In such a case, live chat or a chatbot can provide immediate assistance.

These tools are like having a knowledgeable sales associate available 24/7. They can answer questions, provide guidance, and help customers make informed decisions. This ultimately boosts your sales.

Data Analysis and Optimization

Numbers tell a story, and in e-commerce, analytics can tell a lot about your business. Use data-driven insights to refine your Shopify store continually, optimize conversions, and offer an even better shopping experience through informed decision-making.

16. Utilizing analytics for informed decision-making

Have you ever considered tracking the actions of your customers? It’s like collecting insights relating to what they looked at, what they considered buying, and what they eventually purchased. This level of insight would be invaluable.

In the online world, you have this capability through analytics. Utilizing analytics involves:

  • The use of data to gain a deep understanding of your customers
  • Tracking customer behavior
  • Evaluating the performance of your store

With tools like Google Analytics and Shopify’s built-in reports, you can gather critical information about your visitors, their preferences, and customer journey through your store.

This data allows you to make informed decisions, such as:

  • Optimizing your product offerings
  • Improving the user experience
  • Tailoring and deciding effective marketing strategies

17. Conducting A/B testing for improved conversions

Improving your Shopify store is an ongoing journey, and A/B testing is your compass for navigating that path. 

In A/B testing, you create two versions of a web page or marketing campaign. Then, you test them with real users to determine which one results in higher conversions. With A/B testing, you can test various elements of your product pages, from headlines and images to button colors and product descriptions.

This data-driven approach allows you to continuously refine your store, optimize for higher conversions, and enhance the overall shopping experience.

Shipping and Checkout Optimization

Simplify the path to purchase for customers by offering free shipping and accepting diverse payment methods. Streamlining deliveries with efficient tools to ensure customers receive their orders promptly, elevating their satisfaction level.

shipping and checkout optimization

18. Offer free shipping to boost sales

Does this ever happen to you? You’re shopping online, and you reach the checkout page. The total cost is just a bit too high, mainly due to shipping cost. Suddenly, you’re hesitant to complete the purchase.

This is a common scenario. In fact, 66% of American customers expect free shipping when shopping online. Offering free shipping, even for orders above a certain amount, can be a powerful incentive for customers to complete their purchases.

19. Accepting diverse payment methods for convenience

The diversity of payment methods in today’s digital age is astounding. From credit cards to digital wallets, customers have their preferred ways to pay. 

Imagine you’re ready to pay for your purchase, but your preferred payment method isn’t accepted. You’d probably reconsider your purchase.

To cater to a broader audience, it’s essential to accept diverse payment methods. This includes credit cards, digital wallets like PayPal, and alternative payment options. The more convenient you make the payment process, the more likely customers are to complete their purchase.

20. Streamline deliveries for enhanced customer satisfaction

Whenever a customer places an order, he expects a smooth and timely delivery process. Any hiccups along the way could lead to disappointment and potentially impact future purchases.

So, it’s advisable to integrate a valuable tool, like Upper, into your Shopify store to streamline your delivery management process. Upper’s Shopify route optimization app is designed to streamline the entire order-to-delivery process. It allows you to effortlessly manage routes, orders, and deliveries, ensuring that your customers receive their orders promptly and without any hitches.

The app not only enhances your approach to delivery management but also improves the shopping experience by delivering orders with speed and efficiency.

Sell on Multiple Platforms

Expand your reach and boost brand awareness by venturing onto multiple retail platforms. A presence on various marketplaces helps build trust and reinforces your brand identity, opening doors to more sales opportunities.

21. Multi-channel retail and brand awareness to expand beyond Shopify

Imagine seeing the same brand name pop up across various platforms and marketplaces. It becomes a familiar presence, and you start associating it with trust and reliability. This is the power of brand awareness through multiple platforms.

By being present on various multichannel retail platforms, you not only increase your chances of making sales but also reinforce your brand’s credibility. You can consider platforms like Etsy, eBay, and Amazon, or Instagram and Facebook Marketplace, to complement your Shopify store. 

Customers are more likely to buy from brands they recognize and trust, making this strategy essential for long-term success.


A common reason for this is a mismatch between what visitors expect and what your store offers. Ensure that your products, pricing, and overall shopping experience align with your target audience’s needs and expectations.

To increase online sales, consider a combination of strategies such as:

  • Improving your website design
  • Implementing effective marketing campaigns
  • Optimizing the checkout process
  • Leveraging customer trust-building techniques

Exceptional post-sales customer service not only builds trust but also encourages repeat business and positive word-of-mouth referrals. Happy customers are more likely to return and recommend your store to others.

To select the right strategies, start by analyzing your target audience, understanding your unique products, and identifying your business goals. Tailor your strategies based on these factors to maximize their effectiveness.

Encourage customers to leave reviews by offering incentives, sending follow-up emails, and making the review process easy. Genuine feedback from happy buyers builds trust and credibility with new customers.

You can make the checkout process more user-friendly by:

  • Reducing the number of steps
  • Offering guest checkouts
  • Providing clear instructions
  • Making it as easy as possible for customers to complete their purchases

Common mistakes include neglecting the importance of mobile optimization, overcomplicating the checkout process, and not leveraging analytics to make informed decisions. Avoiding these pitfalls can help you stay on the right track.

Utilize tools like Google Analytics, Shopify’s built-in reports, and other analytics platforms to track the impact of these strategies. Monitor key performance indicators such as conversion rates, bounce rates, and sales data.

Right Strategy Can Make Your Shopify Store Sales Go Off The Charts

When it comes to online stores, boosting sales on Shopify stores is a goal shared by many. We’ve explored 21 proven strategies that can make a significant difference in your journey to becoming a successful ecommerce business. From optimizing your store’s design to leveraging advanced marketing techniques and fostering customer trust, these strategies can elevate your sales game. 

Remember, it’s not about implementing all 21 at once, but rather finding the right combination that suits your unique business. The key lies in adaptation, persistence, and a commitment to providing the best possible shopping experience for your customers. 

Author Bio
Rakesh Patel
Rakesh Patel

Rakesh Patel, author of two defining books on reverse geotagging, is a trusted authority in routing and logistics. His innovative solutions at Upper Route Planner have simplified logistics for businesses across the board. A thought leader in the field, Rakesh's insights are shaping the future of modern-day logistics, making him your go-to expert for all things route optimization. Read more.